Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Part Three: Summer

"'You're a saint, Summer,' Ximena Chin said to me the other day. 'I couldn't do what you're doing.'" (page 119)

As I was reading the part about Summer in August's chapter, I couldn't help but silently applaud Summer for doing what she did. Just like Ximena, I honestly couldn't do what Summer did. However, kids at the school seem quick to judge August as a charity case and that Summer sat with him because she wanted to look good and get praise from other kids at her school. Just as Summer said, she felt sorry for August and then learned more about him and truly became friends with him. I believe that takes guts.

On my first day of high school, I too was in August's position. None of my friends were in my same lunch period so I didn't know anyone. Not to be dramatic, it was probably one of the hardest moments of my life. I would've loved to have someone like Summer sit with me when I was alone. I cut my lunch short, threw away half of my lunch, and went to the library. That was the one and only time I sat by myself at lunch for the rest of high school. Later on in my high school career, I remember seeing other kids sit by themselves at lunch. I remember their faces clear as day, and I will always feel the guilt of not sitting by them.

Summer is a strong character much like Via because she never loses sight of who she is, even when the "cool kids" are beckoning her to join their "group"  if she quits hanging out with August. I knew that Summer would become close with August from the beginning, mainly because she is loyal to those she cares about and never changes who she is just to be considered popular. That is true friendship. 

Summer's story reminds me of a particular story about a girl with special needs who has a support system of football players to protect her from bullies and keep her company during lunch time, just like what Summer did. 

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